Direct shipping route sees growing demand in booming China-Britain trade

Some exciting news... the trade between Britain and China is looking like it’s only going to grow as consumer demands increase. Because of this, Allseas is now looking to cooperate with China on a larger scale so as to fit these demands. Read on to find out more!

Darren Wright, managing director of the Allseas Group, said the idea of a new trade line came in early 2021. This was the result of hardships customers were facing when trying to move cargo from China into Britain because of COVID-19 and other problems (related to various ports and shipping lines).

At first, Allseas chartered 3 vessels in The month of April in 2021 so as to help ease some of the difficulties but “quickly the word spread, and we had 3 full shops within a matter of days of announcing to the market” Weight said. As a result of such growing popularity, a plan to establish regular sailings would only be a matter of time... it was definitely on the table and rightfully so. In just a year, the shipping route between Liverpool  and Shanghai went from a “temporary short-term arrangement to a long-term fixed route.” said Zheng Zeguang (Who is the Chinese ambassador to Britain).

The shipping route transported over 60,000 containers over the past year, moving them in and out of Britain. According to Wright, more than 200 local business were supported as a result. Allseas is now starting to make plans to cooperate with more ports in China... the company aims to provide weekly services since there is a possibility of having more vessels in operation.